
Free IELTS Trial Class

Free IELTS Trial Class

This August Lorven organized an online IELTS preparation trial class. This trial class was attended by participants from different educational levels, some were still in high school and many were already university students.

In the study sessions, participants learn about various things about IELTS. First of all, they are introduced to IELTS and its functions. After that, students had the opportunity to learn the four skills that are tested. In the Speaking session, participants had the opportunity to learn ways to answer questions asked by the examiner. Participants also did hands-on practice to answer sample questions. We did this for the other three skills (Listening, Reading and Writing) so that participants could gain useful knowledge about IELTS.

This class was ended with information about the IELTS preparation classes offered by Lorven because IELTS is a test that must be taken with careful preparation.

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